West Virginia's Best Kept Secrets 5 Ideal Family Locations

West Virginia, a treasure trove of tranquil scenery, fascinating history, and quaint tiny towns, lies tucked away in the heart of Appalachia. This article highlights the most charming places in the Mountain State that provide families looking for adventure, leisure, and a taste of the unknown not just a getaway from the bustle of the city but also an immersive experience.

With West Virginia’s breathtaking natural beauty serving as a backdrop, this article will lead you to hidden jewels where family memories are waiting to be built, from the serene banks of the New River to the charming streets of Shepherdstown.

These places offer the ideal combination of outdoor pleasure, cultural richness, and friendly towns.


There are 18,402 people residing in Fairmont. Fairmont’s typical household income of $55,084 provides a solid economic base.

The average property price in the area is $157,592, which is low when compared to regional averages, indicating affordable housing possibilities. Fairmont receives a score of 70 for family-friendly amenities, making it an ideal area to live with lots of family-friendly options.

The community of Fairmont is a favorite with families, as seen by the 25.2% of homes there with kids.


There are 5,201 residents in the sleepy little community of Buckhannon, which is surrounded by beautiful countryside. The community’s modest yet pleased way of life is made possible by its comfortable $43,621 median income.

West Virginia's Best Kept Secrets: 5 Ideal Family Locations
Image By: My Buckhannon

A notable quality that draws in prospective homeowners is economical housing, with an average property price of $152,327. Family life is supported here, as evidenced by the Family Friendly Amenities Score of 58, which shows a range of recreational and communal resources.

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More than 28% of homes have children, underscoring Buckhannon’s appeal as a nurturing environment for families seeking a peaceful and supportive community to call home.

Oak Hill

There are 8,157 people living in the town of Oak Hill. At $48,050, the median income is roughly equivalent to the average home price of $127,514.

It has an impressive 45 Family Friendly Amenities Score, which indicates a moderate amount of family-friendly amenities available.

Oak Hill is a popular choice for families seeking a residential setting, as seen by the fact that 25.6% of households there have children.


Bridgeport is a community of 9,255 people with an average home price of $269,583 and a typical income of $96,063. It has a Family Friendly Amenities Score of 37, which means that there are moderately available family-friendly amenities.

West Virginia's Best Kept Secrets 5 Ideal Family Locations
Image By: WV News

Families appreciate residential suitability, as evidenced by the 25.9% of Bridgeport households who have children.

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The population of 30,220 in Morgantown is proud of its $41,103 median income and $267,332 average home price. It is a reasonably equipped setting for families, receiving a family-friendly amenities score of 58.

Its population, which emphasizes residential suitability for raising families, is represented by the 15.0% of homes that have children.

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To Conclude

Beyond its breathtaking landscapes, West Virginia offers a wealth of family-friendly activities just waiting to be explored.

Every town offers a different combination of outdoor activities, cultural diversity, and small-town charm, from the comforts of Morgantown to the affordability of Buckhannon.

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West Virginia offers a location for you to make enduring experiences, whether you’re searching for a tranquil getaway in Oak Hill or a bustling neighborhood in Fairmont.

So gather your loved ones, pack your bags, and head out on an adventure in West Virginia – the ideal fusion of exploration, leisure, and small-town charm is waiting for you.

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