3 Texas Cities Become Worst in Driving Deaths at Night

Corpus Christi, Fort Worth, and Austin, Texas, rank in the top 10 most hazardous cities for nighttime driving in the United States, as per a recent study.

According to a study by Florida personal injury attorneys Anidjar & Levine, the majority of fatal collisions in Corpus Christi, Fort Worth, and Austin between 2017 and 2021 happened during nighttime hours.

San Bernardino, California, ranked first in the study by analyzing data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to identify the amount of fatal crashes occurring between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. We filtered the data to focus on cities that had 100 or more fatal crashes.

Scottsdale, Arizona boasts the lowest rate of fatal crashes occurring at night, standing at 45.1%. Boston ranked third with 52.8%, Raleigh, North Carolina followed with 51.1%, and Wichita, Kansas had 53.4%.

“Communities are focusing on road safety, and it’s crucial to recognize the difficulties of driving at night,” noted the personal injury specialists. Driving while fatigued can impact your ability to concentrate. Here are the ten cities with the highest nighttime death rates based on the study:

  • San Bernardino, California – 74.58%
  • Corpus Christi, Texas – 74.10%
  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida – 73.37%
  • Detroit – 72.92%
  • Fort Worth, Texas – 72.19%
  • Little Rock, Arkansas – 72.02%
  • Victorville, California – 71.90%
  • Austin, Texas – 71.23%
  • Newark, New Jersey – 70.77%
  • Atlanta – 70.14%

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Dallas was ranked sixth and Fort Worth was ranked ninth in a recent Forbes study on the U.S. states with the worst drivers. The information is derived from five important metrics regarding car crash fatalities. Texas ranked highest on another list of states with a high likelihood of unlicensed drivers being in fatal car accidents from 2017 to 2021.

According to a study by the Personal Injury Division of the Connecticut Trial Firm, using data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it was found that 24.16% of drivers in Texas who were in a fatal collision did not possess a valid driver’s license.

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