Two Virginia Cities Facing Most Bed Bugs in the U.S.

Two cities in Virginia are among the most common in the country for bed bugs this year.

Orkin recently published its annual list of cities with the highest number of bed bugs in 2022. Norfolk and Richmond were both ranked in the top 30, with one city following the other.

Norfolk is ranked as the 25th city overall, which is one spot lower than its position on Orkin’s 2021 list. Richmond remained at the same position of No. 26 as it did in the previous year.

Chicago was ranked first on the list for the second year in a row. It moved up two spots from No. 3 in 2021.

The results were obtained from treatment data in major cities where Orkin conducted bed bug treatments for both residential and commercial properties. The data was collected from December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021.

Here is the complete list of the top 50 cities with the most bed bugs, according to Orkin:

  1. Chicago
  2. Philadelphia (+12)
  3. New York (+9)
  4. Detroit
  5. Baltimore (-3)
  6. Indianapolis (+1)
  7. Washington, DC (-4)
  8. Cleveland, OH (-2)
  9. Columbus, OH (-4)
  10. Cincinnati (-2)
  11. Grand Rapids, MI (-1)
  12. Los Angeles (-3)
  13. Champaign, IL (+2)
  14. Atlanta (-1)
  15. Charlotte, N.C. (-4)
  16. Dallas-Ft. Worth
  17. Denver (+3)
  18. Louis, MO (+7)
  19. San Francisco (+3)
  20. Pittsburgh (-1)
  21. Greenville, S.C. (+2)
  22. Charleston, W.V. (-4)
  23. Flint, MI (-2)
  24. Raleigh, N.C. (-7)
  25. Norfolk, VA (-1)
  26. Richmond, VA
  27. Omaha (+3)
  28. Buffalo, N.Y. (+1)
  29. Knoxville (+7)
  30. Cedar Rapids, IA (+5)
  31. Toledo, OH (-4)
  32. Dayton, OH (-4)
  33. South Bend, IN (+8)
  34. Nashville (-3)
  35. Davenport, IA (+3)
  36. Wayne, IN (-3)
  37. Youngstown (+3)
  38. Milwaukee (-6)
  39. Miami (+8)
  40. Tampa (-1)
  41. Houston (-4)
  42. Harrisburg (new to list)
  43. Greensboro, N.C. (-9)
  44. Seattle
  45. Peoria, IL (+4)
  46. Orlando (-1)
  47. Lexington, KY (-4)
  48. Lansing, MI
  49. Louisville, KY (-3)
  50. Lincoln, NE (new to list)
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